Moving on after a painful break up is never easy. It takes an astronomical amount of strength and will-power to get back on track and to carry on. No amount of comforting and reassurance will ever be good enough to make you feel better and to encourage you. If you are in this situation right now, you can benefit from these insights that we’re about to share with you.
We want you to know that we understand what you’re going through. However, life doesn’t end there. In fact, you can take this as an opportunity to explore new things that you might otherwise miss if you are still in a relationship that is bound to end anyway. So take this as a challenge and slowly move on towards a life that is more promising and rewarding.
It’s ok to cry
Cry if you must. That’s natural and completely understandable. We are humans and it’s within our nature to feel and get emotional. So whenever you feel like crying, just let it all out. Take it as a way to release all the pain and frustration. When you’re done, you’ll feel a lot better and more composed.
If you feel like detaching yourself for a while, you’re entitled to that. You deserve an “alone time” so you can realign your elements and shake it off your system. Don’t feel guilty about choosing not to talk to anyone for some time. You owe it to yourself to cry and feel sad after a break up. It’s part of the process. Just make it a point to not wallow in self-pity for a long time because there’s a whole new and exciting world that awaits you.
Accept and let go
You are entitled to your own life and no one has control of your life but you. A break up, no matter how painful it is, does not signal an end. You still have your whole life ahead of you and the world is filled with so many people who might just become your friends. So stop chasing for things that are not meant for you. Accept that some things are meant to end at some point, and learn to let go. It is only when you let go of the things that are not meant for you that you can start to realize that something better might be in store for you. Acceptance can bring in a wave of hope that eventually, it will all turn out for the best.
Life goes on
No matter how broken you are; the world will not stop for you. The world will still turn and there will still be night and day. People will go on to live their normal lives and it would be “business as usual” at work. Basically, life will go on whether you choose to cry or be happy. It’s all up to you if you will choose to live the rest of your mornings crying or facing a new day; because despite of what you’re going through; life will go on.
Live for yourself
We acknowledge how you feel. In fact, feelings are always valid. However, they’re not always acceptable. It’s ok to feel the pain and all the hurt, but it doesn’t make sense to make your life revolve around them. Live for yourself. Don’t make excuses that you’re only human who’s capable of getting hurt. The Higher Power didn’t create a whole lot of weaknesses in you. In fact, you have been equipped with a mind to think and to be rational.
Start by thinking of it this way; “he’s not your life. He’s just a part of it”. Therefore, you can still live and be whole again.
Love yourself
Learn to love yourself above all else. Take some time to savor your new-found freedom. Appreciate what you’re capable of doing and treat yourself to something like travel, a new look, a luxurious spa treatment, or a new wardrobe. Don’t go out looking for a new person to date or go out with. Don’t rush. Be self-sufficient. There’s no empty space to fill in because you are enough.
Just make good use of your extra time and appreciate yourself. Remember, you cannot give what you do not have. In order to love others, you must love yourself first.